I visited Kashmir soon after I entered Pakistan. It's truly a heaven on earth. I stayed there for five days. On fourth day, while I was going to meet my guide, I met a Kashmiri man. He was about to jump in river.
I went up to him and said, ‘Don’t do it!’
He said, ‘Nobody loves Kashmiris. Everyone is killing us. I want to die.’
I said, ‘God loves you. Do you believe in God?’
He said, ‘Yes.’
I said, ‘Are you a Muslim or a non-Muslim?’
He said, ‘A Muslim.’
I said, ‘Shia or Sunni?’
He said, ‘Sunni.’
I said, ‘Me too! Deobandi or Barelvi?’
He said, ‘Barelvi.’
I said, ‘Me too! Tanzeehi or Tafkeeri?’
He said, ‘Tanzeehi.’
I said, ‘Me too! Tanzeehi Azmati or Tanzeehi Farhati?’
He said, ‘Tanzeehi Farhati.’
I said, ‘Me too! Tanzeehi Farhati Jamia ul Uloom Ajmer, or Tanzeehi Farhati Jamia ul Noor Mewat?’
He said, ‘Tanzeehi Farhati Jamia ul Noor Mewat.’
I said, ‘That is why Allah is not showing you the right path.'
He said, 'Thank you for saving my life.'
And thus he found the path of Allah.