Everyone is scared. 'It is coming,' they say. They know it's going to get them sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. Soon, most of the world would be coughing, sneezing and crying because of high fevers. Coronavirus will end the world. Is it too late? Perhaps. But how did we go wrong? I will explain today.
It all started because of a Jewish conspiracy. A group of Jews met in USA and hired some researchers to create the most deadly virus in human history. The researchers said, 'we will create but once it gets out of control, even we will suffer.' The Jews told them that if the researchers could create a problem, they could also find a solution. A trillion dollars deal was thus signed. Six viruses were created for this much money.
The initial target was China as it is USA's number one enemy. Three viruses we're shipped to China. The next enemy was Islam. Two viruses were sent to Iran. One remaining virus was sent to the Muslims of Italy. The viruses then multiplied and turned into millions. At this speed, most of the world will suffer. The virus has become reckless. Even its creators are worried.
So the Jews who created Coronavirus are now working with a team of new researchers to find a solution. The previous researchers were shot and killed so that they could not reveal the conspiracy plot. The new researchers are being paid a lot of money too. But they know if they can't find a vaccine then their families will be shot. The researchers are working day and night. Soon, they will find the vaccine.
You will find that Israeli researchers have claimed that they will soon find the vaccine. It's not a coincidence. It is a part of the plot. Jews, along with their puppet America, will kill the humanity. But they don't know one thing. That Allah is watching. And he will take revenge. He is most merciful and kind. Amen!